Workplace Advisors

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜致力于为员工提供, including all faculty and staff members, 有一个公平和尊重的工作环境. 

虽然我们希望每个工作日都是积极和富有成效的, in any workplace, including Bryn Mawr, sometimes frustration, tension and conflict occur. 这样的职场问题可能会在同事之间发生, between a staff and faculty member, between a faculty member and student, or between employees and their supervisors, among other examples. When these situations arise, 教职员工可以选择自己解决问题,也可以利用学院其他人的帮助. 

希望获得他人帮助的教职员工应致电其主管或系主任, respectively, for guidance and support. 如果员工或教职员工不愿意接近他们的主管或系主任(或者他们是问题的根源), there are a number of options available. 

教职员工可以选择与职场顾问交谈,他们可以提供有价值的倾听, consultation, support and advocacy. 职场顾问将扮演以下角色: 

  • 为讨论工作上的问题提供一个保密的“非正式”场所. 
  • 提供处理或解决问题的指导. 
  • 提供信息的资源和选项导航大学的政策和程序. 
  • Serve as a mediator, discussion facilitator, 倡导和/或支持解决冲突或解决工作场所问题. 
  • 在冲突解决或由相应的学院管理人员解决工作场所问题时提供支持. 
  • 作为第一个联络点,如果教职员工不确定去哪里寻找特定的信息. 

员工不需要只咨询工作场所顾问,他们是员工, 教师们也不局限于只咨询一位同事. 关心问题的个人选择他们想要与谁分享他们的关心, 但建议他们不要选择对自己或与此相关的其他教职员工负有直接或最终监督责任的工作场所顾问,以避免给人留下工作场所顾问有偏见的印象. 

Staff and faculty may contact Workplace Advisors using the information below; there is no shared phone number or email address for Workplace Advisors.

Workplace Advisors

(Bios further below)

Greg Davis (Semester II)
Associate Professor of Biology 

Gabrielle Gary
Director of Alumnae/i Engagement 

Alice Lesnick
Chair and Term Professor, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Department; Associate Dean for Global Engagement 

Rod Matthews 
Multimedia Coordinator 

Doanh Wang
Senior Lecturer and Tennis Coach


Greg Davis

Greg Davis

-现任生物系副教授, 自2008年加入学院以来,他曾担任该学院的主席并担任其他职务.

-着迷于胚胎和生命的进化, especially among insects, as well as the history of biology.




Gabrielle Gary

Gabrielle Gary


-In 2019, 她曾在ARD团队的多元化公平和包容委员会任职,并获得了认可, along with her colleagues, for innovation in this space. After a brief pause from this group, in 2023, she rejoined the recently renamed Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Access Committee.

珍惜每一个与其他部门合作的机会. 喜欢与同事交流,尤其是在吃饭或喝茶的时候.

——除了她的非营利组织领导硕士学位之外, Gabrielle是一名经过认证的瑜伽教练,并拥有烹饪艺术的副学士学位.

-Served on local community boards, including Cheltenham African American Alliance, Christ Church Preservation Trust, 宾夕法尼亚大学非营利性领导校友会, 以及斯普林赛德栗山学院的校友执行委员会.

Alice Lesnick

Alice Lesnick

——广泛参与教育领域, with a focus on learning, listening, and integrating various points of view. 

-Trained/experienced in active listening, intercultural communication, mentoring, conflict coaching, dialogue facilitation, and mediation.

-长期的Bryn Mawr社区成员,具有一系列角色和合作经验. 

-Chair and Term Professor, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Department; Associate Dean for Global Engagement.

Portrait of Rodney

Rod Matthews


-Outspoken, 热心的社区激励者,懂得面对面交流的真正价值. 

-在切斯特县地区的许多董事会和委员会任职,以促进积极的变化. 例子包括为得不到充分服务的儿童提供服务的组织, youth and adults in the West Chester area; “West Chester Dance Works” community outreach through dance; and other faith-based organizations providing community support to nursing and assisted living facilities, as well as to the elderly and shut-in.   


-College community member for 20 years. 


Doanh Wang

Doanh Wang


-在社区组织和非营利组织工作(例如.g. Urban League, 4H, community learning centers).

- 2005年转为全职大学网球教练.
